Opinions - North America

The Turkish House: Buildings Don’t Make Diplomacy

The Turkish House: Buildings Don’t Make Diplomacy

by Haşim Tekineş, published on 28 October 2024
In September 2022, Turkey opened the Turkish House (Turkevi) in New York City, right across from the United Nations Headquarters. This impressive 35-story building was meant to enhance Turkey's diplomatic efforts and serve as a hub for international dialogue during major global events, particularly the UN General Assembly, typically hold in September. However, the question remains: has Turkevi somehow transformed Turkey's diplomatic engagement, or has it simply become just another skyscraper on New York City's skyline?
Ecevit’s Last Words: Turkey’s Strategic Autonomy

Ecevit’s Last Words: Turkey’s Strategic Autonomy

by Haşim Tekineş, published on 25 March 2024
Ecevit’s memories is useful to understand contemporary CHP’s support for Erdogan’s military operations in Syria and Iraq or anti-American stance. It shows that strategic autonomy in foreign policy, military expansionism, and transactionalism in Turkish-American relations have an appeal across ideologies in Turkey’s political landscape.
Political Symbols and Decoding Turkey’s S-400 Decision

Political Symbols and Decoding Turkey’s S-400 Decision

by Haşim Tekineş, published on 14 March 2024
What does explain this politically, economically, and strategically costly decision that has not brought any added value to Turkey’s military power or defense? Lisel Hintz and David E. Banks argues that S-400s, thanks to the government propaganda, have turned into a political symbol of defiance against the U.S. and strategic autonomy so much that President Erdogan could not retract his S-400 decision. Although Hintz and Banks’ article provides a strong theoretical background to understand Ankara’s S-400 decision, the issue still provides opportunities for new studies.
A Snapshot of the Turkish-American Relations: Neither Alliance nor Transactional

A Snapshot of the Turkish-American Relations: Neither Alliance nor Transactional

by Haşim Tekineş, published on 15 September 2023
Since the Turkish presidential elections in May, a much friendlier atmosphere has prevailed in Turkish-American relations, as seen at the 2023 NATO Summit at Vilnius. Although this reconciliation hardly means a return to the strategic alliance concept, it is not fully transactional either. Hanging in the air between alliance and transactionalism, the future of Turkish-American relations depends on the course of the war in Ukraine and Turkish support for the Ukrainian cause.
Is the US blackmailing Turkey over Sweden?

Is the US blackmailing Turkey over Sweden?

by Enes Esen, published on 30 June 2023
The US and Swedish authorities are currently investigating graft allegations involving Bilal Erdoğan, the son of Turkey's President, according to a Reuters special report. These allegations have significant implications, as they could constitute a criminal offense under certain circumstances. However, as the report points out, there is a possibility that they may not even lead to formal charges. Interestingly, the Turkish side seems to have minimal interest in the substance of the allegations or its judicial implications.
Will Turkey Drop Its Objections to Sweden’s Accession to NATO?

Will Turkey Drop Its Objections to Sweden’s Accession to NATO?

by Enes Esen, published on 3 June 2023
Sweden’s accession to NATO represents a milestone in shaping the security dynamics of the alliance. Using different pretexts, Erdoğan has consistently hindered Sweden's desired accession to NATO so far. With his triumph in the elections, the good news for NATO members is that they have a window of opportunity to negotiate with Erdoğan. 

Reports - North America



by Dr. İmdat Öner, Halil Çavuş, Ömer Güler and Mustafa Enes Esen, published on 17 September 2024
This report focuses on Turkey's prominence as an emerging market for cocaine trafficking and organized crime in the last decade. Cocaine production in Latin America has dramatically increased since 2013, and Turkey’s status as an emerging market has attracted the attention of Latin American government officials on the front lines of the cocaine trade.


by Mehmet Demirbaş, Enes Esen and Tolga Güneş, published on 13 June 2024
Küresel güç dengelerinin yeniden şekillendiği bir dönemden geçmekteyiz. Asya ülkelerinin güçlü ekonomik performansı nedeniyle dünyanın ağırlık merkezi Batı’dan Doğu’ya doğru kaymaktadır. Özellikle Çin’in hızlı yükselişi yeniden çok kutuplu bir dünyanın oluşmaya başladığına işaret etmektedir.

Videos - North America

Haftanın Ortası - Suikastler, Savaşlar ve Seçimler

August 1, 2024
by Ali Dinçer and Haşim Tekineş, published on 1 August 2024
Ali Dinçer ve Haşim Tekineş'in haftanın öne çıkan uluslararası gündemlerini ele aldıkları yeni yayınımızda, İsrail'in Hamas liderlerine yönelik suikast saldırıları, Erdoğan'ın İsrail'e yönelik açıklamaları, bölgesel savaş senaryoları ve ABD seçim sürecine ilişkin son gelişmeler değerlendirildi.

Haftanın özeti: Trump'a Suikast Girişimi, İngiltere'de Yeni İktidar ve Suriye'yle Normalleşme

July 20, 2024
by Haşim Tekineş and Ali Dinçer, published on 20 July 2024
Ali Dinçer ve Haşim Tekineş Trump'ın suikastten kurtulmasının ardından kazanma olasılığının çok yüksek görülmesini, #İngiltere'de kurulan yeni hükümet ve sağ partilerin durumunu ve Türkiye-#Suriye normalleşme sürecini ele aldılar.

Trump Turkiye'ye Ne Yapar?

July 18, 2024
by Haşim Tekineş, published on 18 July 2024
ABD Başkanlık Seçimlerini kazanacağı tahmin edilen Trump'ın 2. dönemi beraberinde neler getirecek? instituDE dış politika analisti Haşim Tekineş yanıtladı.

Dünyada Bu Hafta

June 8, 2024
by Haşim Tekineş, published on 8 June 2024
instituDE Dış Gündem'in yeni yayınında instituDE Dış Politika Analisti Haşim Tekineş Meksika, Hindistan, Güney Afrika ve Avrupa Birliği'nde yapılan seçimleri ele aldı.

Erdoğan ve Biden Arasında Soğuk Rüzgarlar Mı Esiyor?

April 22, 2024
by Haşim Tekineş and Ömer Murat, published on 22 April 2024
instituDE DışGündem'de Dış Politika Uzmanı Ömer Murat, Erdoğan ve Biden arasındaki soğukluğa, Erdoğan'ın Vaşington ziyaretinin iptaline, Rasmussen planının detaylarına ve İran ile İsrail arasındaki savaş tiyatrosuna ilişkin Haşim Tekineş'in sorularını yanıtladı.

İkinci Trump Dönemi mi Geliyor?

December 14, 2023
by Ömer Güler and Haşim Tekineş, published on 14 December 2023
#DışıİçiBir'in yeni bölümünde Ömer Güler ve Haşim Tekineş yaklaşan ABD başkanlık seçimlerini, Ukrayna-Rus savaşını ve Hamas-İsrail savaşını ele aldılar.