The Turkish House: Buildings Don’t Make Diplomacy

October 28, 2024
by Haşim Tekineş, published on 28 October 2024
The Turkish House: Buildings Don’t Make Diplomacy

In September 2022, Turkey opened the Turkish House (Turkevi) in New York City, right across from the United Nations Headquarters. This impressive 35-story building was meant to enhance Turkey's diplomatic efforts and serve as a hub for international dialogue during major global events, particularly the UN General Assembly, typically hold in September. However, the question remains: has Turkevi somehow transformed Turkey's diplomatic engagement, or has it simply become just another skyscraper on New York City's skyline?

Under President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Turkey aimed to use Turkevi as a key player in expanding its diplomatic reach. To that end, Ankara even bribed New York mayor Eric Adams risking already fragile Turkish-American relations. However, a look at Erdoğan's meetings with world leaders during the UN General Assembly from 2014 to 2024 shows little change in Turkey's diplomatic interactions.

Figure 1 Data is collected from Turkish Presidency's official website

According to data from the Turkish Presidency's official website, the number of Erdoğan’s meetings with heads of state has remained relatively stable:

For sure, Turkevi does not only host Erdoğan’e meetings. His aides, Foreign Minister, deputy foreign ministers, etc. have meetings and other diplomatic activities too. We do not have data on all this diplomatic activity. Yet, Erdoğan’s meetings can be reliable indicator to check Turkey’s diplomatic performance. These numbers indicate that, despite the grand opening of Turkevi, Erdoğan's diplomacy traffic has not significantly changed. The countries he meets with seem to be the same, with a mix of non-Western states and occasional Western leaders. In the same vein, Erdoğan has struggled to meet with Western leaders, particularly U.S. presidents and senators. Erdoğan is known to attach importance to have meeting with them. 

There were a few notable exceptions. This year, Erdoğan met with Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan in Turkevi. In 2022 and 2023, he met with Israeli Prime Ministers, which could indicate a slight shift in Turkey's foreign relations. These were important meetings. However, they took place because of substantial foreign policy changes rather than having a place just across the street. Overall, Erdoğan’s pattern of engagement reflects a continuation of established diplomatic ties.

Having a modern facility like Turkevi can give an impression of strength, but it is essential to understand that buildings alone do not drive successful diplomacy. Over the past decade, Turkey has made significant mistakes that have damaged its global standing.

Erdoğan’s increasingly authoritarian rule, his hot-tempered character, coupled with human rights violations and repression of dissent, have eroded trust among international partners. Additionally, Turkey’s aggressive "wolf warrior" diplomacy, characterized by confrontational rhetoric, has alienated potential allies. These deeper issues continue to undermine Turkey's diplomatic effectiveness.

If Turkey genuinely wants to strengthen its diplomatic capacity, it should prioritize establishing trust and collaboration, rather than buildings, will be crucial in restoring Turkey's diplomatic influence. In other words, Erdoğan’s leadership style needs reconsideration; a more diplomatic and respectful approach could lead to better outcomes. In summary, while the Turkish House is an impressive addition to New York’s skyline, its impact on Turkey's diplomacy is still unclear. The future of Turkish diplomacy will depend not on the grandeur of its buildings but on the strength of its principles and practices in global politics.

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