

Orion Policy Institute

Reality or Misperception: The US withdrawal from the Middle East

March 21, 2022
by Haşim Tekineş, published on 21 March 2022
For U.S. policymakers, it will be necessary to determine how best to reconfigure American strategy in the Middle East in an age of new hegemonic struggles. From the U.S. perspective, withdrawal or retreat from the region does not necessarily reflect the true nature of the policy change. Regional actors, however, are likely to have the opposite perspective—that the United States is much less interested in Middle Eastern regional issues than it has been in the past.
Washington Institute

Turkey: Clumsy Juggling Between the United States and Russia

March 9, 2022
by Haşim Tekineş, published on 9 March 2022
As Russia has initiated its onslaught against Ukraine, the Turkish position has tilted towards the attitudes of other NATO countries, although it remains cautious in an attempt to not raise Moscow’s ire.
Opinio Juris

Turan and Others v. Turkey: Mass Arbitrary Detentions of the Purged Members of Judiciary and the White Flag of the Strasbourg

February 10, 2022
by Hakan Kaplankaya, published on 10 February 2022
The ruling addresses the complaints of the 427 purged judges/prosecutors detained by incompetent courts on account of the arbitrary interpretation of the ‘in flagrante delicto’ concept, alleged and feigned presence of which stripped the applicants of enjoying essential special procedural safeguards.

‘Dünyanın en havalı diktatörü’ Bukele’nin Ankara’da ne işi vardı?

January 20, 2022
by İmdat Öner, published on 20 January 2022
El Salvador Devlet Başkanı Nayib Bukele, Türkiye’yi ziyaret ederek Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan ile bir araya geldi. Bukele, başta Twitter olmak üzere sosyal medyada son derece aktif bir isim. Türkiye’ye geldikten sonra attığı paylaştığı esprili selamlama tweeti de bunu doğruluyor: “Öncelikle, Bitcoin diyarı El Salvador’dan tüm Türkiye’ye selamlar”!
War on the Rocks


December 8, 2021
by Haşim Tekineş, published on 8 December 2021
If Erdoğan is voted out of office, no one in Washington or Brussels should expect Turkey to suddenly turn into a docile and obedient ally. Structural changes in the international environment, broader bureaucratic and ideological trends in Turkey, and new facts on the ground that Erdoğan has created will all limit the potential for “normalization” in post-Erdoğan Turkey.

AYM'nin süre aşımı kararlarına karşı ne yapılabilir? Bireysel başvuru yolu etkinliğini yitiriyor mu?

November 8, 2021
by Hakan Kaplankaya, published on the November 8, 2021
Son zamanlarda AYM’nin bireysel başvuru süresine dair bilinen içtihatlarına aykırı kararlar alarak bireysel başvuru yolunu işlevsizleştirdiğini ortaya koyan birçok örnek ortaya çıkmaya başladı. AYM son zamanlarda, başvurucu ya da avukatının Yargıtay kararını UYAP üzerinden öğrendiği tarihten itibaren 30 gün içerisinde bireysel başvuru yapmadığı gerekçesiyle bireysel başvuruyu süre aşımı nedeniyle reddetmeye başlamıştır.