Press Release on the instituDE's Report Titled "Weaponizing Financial Systems: Erdoğan's Transnational Repression to Muzzle Dissidents Abroad"

NEW REPORT: instituDE releases a new report on how Erdoğan weaponizes international financial systems to target Turkish dissidents around the world.

BRUSSELS—instituDE releases a report on how Erdoğan weaponizes international financial systems to target Turkish dissidents around the world. The report, titled “Weaponizing Financial Systems: Erdoğan's Transnational Repression to Muzzle Dissidents Abroad”, examines how Turkey is using Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Combating the Financing of Terrorism (CFT) regulations to target perceived political threats.

The report outlines how Turkish authorities have manipulated these financial regulations to impose sanctions, freeze assets, and close the accounts of critics living abroad, effectively cutting them off from the global financial system. Based on in-depth research and case studies, the report illustrates the detrimental impact these practices have on individuals and the broader implications for global financial integrity.

“Erdoğan’s regime is exploiting international financial cooperation to silence dissidents who have sought refuge in foreign countries,” said Dr. iur. Yasir Gökçe, Director of instituDE and co-author of the report. “This report not only sheds light on these underhanded tactics but also provides critical recommendations for financial institutions and governments to protect against such abuses.”

Key Findings:

  • The report reveals how Turkey has strategically abused AML/CFT regulations, originally designed to combat criminal financial activity, to unjustly target and punish political dissidents abroad. By falsely labeling these individuals as financial criminals, the Turkish government has been able to impose sanctions that freeze their assets and close their bank accounts, effectively cutting them off from the financial resources necessary for survival and activism.
  • Furthermore, the report delves into the sophisticated use of artificial intelligence (AI) and financial data providers by Turkish authorities. These technologies are being leveraged to identify, track, and target dissidents with precision, raising serious concerns about the role of financial institutions in enabling such repressive practices. The findings underscore the urgent need for greater transparency and accountability within these systems to prevent their misuse by authoritarian regimes.


  • In response to these findings, the report outlines several critical steps that must be taken to protect the integrity of global financial systems and the rights of individuals targeted by politically motivated financial repression. For financial institutions, the report advocates for the implementation of more stringent due diligence processes. These processes would help to identify and reject sanctions and asset freezes that are clearly politically motivated, ensuring that financial institutions do not become unwitting accomplices in state repression.
  • For governments, the report emphasizes the importance of enhancing international cooperation to safeguard financial systems from such abuses. This includes developing robust mechanisms to detect and prevent the misuse of AML/CFT regulations for political purposes, as well as providing support to individuals who have been unfairly targeted by these tactics. By working together, democratic governments and financial institutions can uphold the principles of justice and human rights, even in the face of growing authoritarianism.

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Click here to read the full report and recommendations.