

The Washington Institute

Turkish Diplomacy by the Numbers: A Decade of Trends

November 5, 2021
by Haşim Tekineş, published on 5 November 2021
Turkey has maintained strong dialogue with NATO and EU countries despite increasing differences regarding foreign policy matters. Meanwhile, Turkey’s intensifying relations with authoritarian states is one of the striking trends between 2010 and 2020.
Ahval News

Dışişleri, ‘Monşerler’ ve Erdoğan’a biat kültürü

October 7, 2021
by Bahadır Gülle, published on 7 October 2021
Dış politikamız, uzun yıllar içinde geliştirilen ilişkilerin hoyratça harcandığı, en kıdemli uzmanların ulusal menfaat bağlamında rasyonel bir açıklama getiremedikleri, gündelik tepkilerle idare edilmeye çalışılan bir basiretsizlikler toplamına döndü.
Orion Policy

Turkey-Qatar Relations after al-Ula

September 28, 2021
by Haşim Tekineş, published on September 28 2021
elations between Turkey and Qatar have flourished within the past decade, particularly after the 2017 Gulf boycott against the latter. Yet efforts by Ankara and Doha to normalize diplomatic relations with Gulf countries and Egypt raise doubts about the future of bilateral relations between Turkey and Qatar. For sure, neither Turkey nor Qatar have any interest in ending their mutually beneficial bilateral relations.

Devious Use of International Organizations to Persecute Dissidents Abroad: The Erdogan Case

August 20, 2021
by Yasir Gökçe, published on August 20, 2021
Authoritarian governments are exerting their influence on interstate political bodies to persecute political opponents at home and abroad. This results in practices that undermine the rights of individuals to a fair trial, the right to be heard, and the right to judicial review.
Orion Policy

The Challenges Of U.S.'S Maximum Pressure Policy

August 3, 2021
by İmdat Öner, published on 3 August 2021
The increased U.S. sanctions have significantly increased the opaque dealings of the Venezuelan government with several U.S. adversaries. The Maduro administration has apparently taken advantage of the sanctions. It is believed that the Venezuelan government utilizes corruption and other illicit revenues to ensure the loyalty of the elites and security forces to be able to remain in power.
Science Direct

Digital force majeure: The Mondelez case, insurance, and the (un)certainty of attribution in cyberattacks

August 1, 2021
Co-authored by Yasir Gökçe, published on 1 August 2021
The article attempts to reveal the significance of the legal qualification of a cyberattack and its attribution to a state for insurance coverage in both general insurance policies, like the one the Mondelez case stemmed from, as well as in insurance policies targeted to cover cyber risk.