

The Global Americans

Erdogan’s Venezuela adventure turns into another bargaining chip

December 7, 2018
by İmdat Öner, published on 7 December 2018
Aside from the fact that Erdogan’s visit was the first-ever visit by a Turkish head of state to Venezuela, Erdogan’s visit bluntly demonstrates Turkey’s determination to strengthen its bilateral relations with the embattled Maduro regime despite rising international sanctions and pressure.
Kennedy School Review

Turkey’s Kidnappings Abroad Defy International Law

November 25, 2018
by Yasir Gökçe, published on 25 November 2018
An examination of the legality of President Erdogan’s extraterritorial abduction policy reveals a number of remedies through UN mechanisms that victim states and individuals may pursue.
Berkeley Journal of International Law

The Legality of the Extraterritorial Abductions by the Erdogan Regime under International Law

October 28, 2018
by Yasir Gökçe, published on 28 October 2018
This piece aims to address the issue of whether extraterritorial abduction of Turkish individuals carried out by the Erdogan regime are legal under international law.
The Global Americans

Venezuela’s opposition wrote its own obituary

October 12, 2018
by İmdat Öner, published on 12 October 2018
Andrés Oppenheimer’s latest article, “Has Venezuela’s opposition lost its voice?”, addresses a critical question. It’s undeniable that in the past year the Venezuelan opposition has disappeared as a visible, coherent public and political force in the country.
The Global Americans

Latin America is facing its worst refugee crisis in its history. Will it repeat the EU’s mistakes regarding Syrian refugees?

September 20, 2018
by İmdat Öner, 20 September 2018
Venezuela is in the throes of a severe economic and humanitarian crisis. The incompetent, repressive policies of President Nicolás Maduro have propelled Venezuela into a downward spiral, and political turmoil is deepening the chaotic situation in the country. The economic and humanitarian crises, coupled with rising authoritarianism, have forced many Venezuelans to flee.
Science Direct

The Bylock fallacy: An In-depth Analysis of the Bylock Investigations in Turkey

September 15, 2018
by Yasir Gökçe, published on 15 September 2018
The allegation of having been downloaded the Bylock app is currently a sufficient finding for the Turkish judiciary to arrest dozens of thousands of followers as well as other Turkish citizens who have had no link whatsoever with the Movement, on the basis of their alleged ties with a so-called terrorist organization.