Opinions - Turkey

Tunus’ta Düşen Son Kale ve Türkiye’nin Sessizliği

Tunus’ta Düşen Son Kale ve Türkiye’nin Sessizliği

by Enes Esen, published on 10 February 2022
2011 yılında Tunus Cumhurbaşkanı Bin Ali’yi gösteriler sonrası devrildiğinde bölgede bir umut dalgası oluşmuş ve esen rüzgar kısa sürede Mısır, Suriye, Libya ve Yemen başta olmak üzere bütün Arap ülkelerini etkilemişti. Arap Baharının yaşandığı diğer ülkelerde olduğu gibi, Tunus’ta da rüzgar son zamanlarda tersten esiyor.
Where Does Turkey Fit in 2021 Africa Cup of Nations?

Where Does Turkey Fit in 2021 Africa Cup of Nations?

by Enes Esen, published on 3 February 2022
Hosting the 2021 Africa Cup of Nations was a source of pride and prestige for Cameroonians whose passion for football was evidently on display throughout the tournament over the past few weeks. However, their love for football did not come cheap. As part of the requirements for hosting a tournament, the African Football Confederation demanded hefty projects.
A Foreign Ministry without Ears, Tongues and Eyes

A Foreign Ministry without Ears, Tongues and Eyes

by Ömer Güler, published on 17 January 2022
The adventurist foreign policy of President Erdoğan has long been criticized by the pundits. No doubt that his reckless and unpredictable character has plunged Turkey deeper into many foreign policy crises. However, putting all the blame on Erdoğan for the epic failure in Turkish foreign policy is misleading. One must investigate the structural and long-lasting problems of the Turkish Foreign Ministry to better understand the reasons of this failure.
Türkiye’nin Afrika’yla Silah Ticareti: Alan Razı, Satan Razı

Türkiye’nin Afrika’yla Silah Ticareti: Alan Razı, Satan Razı

by Mustafa Enes Esen, published on October 26, 2021
Erdoğan’ın geçtiğimiz hafta Angola, Togo ve Nijerya'yı kapsayan Afrika ziyaretinde en önemli gündemlerinden birisini başta SİHA olmak üzere, Afrika’ya silah satılması teşkil etti. Türkiye’nin Afrika’ya silah ihraç ederek kıtadaki askeri faaliyetlerini artırma, ekonomik kazanç elde etme ve Türk SİHA’ların yurtdışında satışıyla ülke prestijinin artması gibi beklentileri bulunuyor.
The EU-Turkey Statement and the Evaluation of the Refugee “Deal”

The EU-Turkey Statement and the Evaluation of the Refugee “Deal”

by Muhammed Sevim, published on September 9, 2021
Along with the “Arab Spring” that broke out at the end of 2010 and the escalation of the civil war in Syria after 2011, the countries in the region, notably Turkey, and Europe faced an unprecedented influx of migration, resulting in a refugee crisis in the EU in 2015.
The Rapprochement Between Turkey and Egypt: The Reasons and Possible Outcomes

The Rapprochement Between Turkey and Egypt: The Reasons and Possible Outcomes

by Mustafa Enes Esen, published on 25 April, 2021
The rapprochement efforts between Turkey and Egypt are not just important for these two countries. They have also imminent consequences for Libya and the Brotherhood. An agreement between Turkey and Egypt would boost the chances of the viability of Libya’s unity government.

Reports - Turkey

instituDE Article Series on the July 15 Coup Attempt

instituDE Article Series on the July 15 Coup Attempt

by instituDE, published on the July 15th, 2021
It has been five years since the failed coup attempt in Turkey and no one has any clear idea yet what actually happened that night. While the complete narrative and evidence about the failed coup have yet to be clarified, the scope of the reaction by the Turkish government to the coup attempt was quite horrifying.

Videos - Turkey

AİHM'den Yunanistan Puschbacklerine İhlal Kararı | Yasak Başvurusu Büyük Dairede

January 8, 2025
by Haşim Tekineş and Hakan Kaplankaya, published on 8 January 2025
Bu yayınımızda insan hakları uzmanı Hakan Kaplankaya ve instituDE analisti Haşim Tekineş AİHM'in Yunanistan'ın Türkiye'ye geri ittiği sığınmacılar hakkında verdiği yeni ihlal kararını, Yasak başvurusunun Büyük Daire'ye sevkedilmesini ele aldılar.


December 24, 2023
by Yasir Gökçe, published on 24 December 2023
instituDE Director Dr. Yasir Gokce eloborated on the widespread and systematic nature of property rights violations in Turkey as a part of CrimesAgainstHumanity targeting Gülen Movement, with reference to the recent instituDE report thereon.