Opinions - Turkey

ABD Dışişleri Bakanı Blinken’ın Türkiye Ziyaretinde Ne Beklenmeli?

ABD Dışişleri Bakanı Blinken’ın Türkiye Ziyaretinde Ne Beklenmeli?

by Enes Esen, published on 19 February 2023
Göreve yaklaşık iki yıl önce başlayan ABD Dışişleri Bakanı Antony Blinken 19 Şubat’ta Türkiye’ye ilk resmi ziyaretini düzenleyecek. İnsani diplomasi kapsamında yürütülen ABD’nin deprem yardım faaliyetlerini yerinde görmek dışında Blinken’ın gündeminde kuvvetle muhtemel İsveç ve Finlandiya’nın NATO’ya tam üyeliği ile Ukrayna Savaşı konuları bulunuyor.
Changing Turkish Calculus in Northern Syria

Changing Turkish Calculus in Northern Syria

by Enes Esen, published on 12 February 2023
The earthquake has probably changed the calculus of a political decision on an incursion into northern Syria before the presidential elections. The earthquake has disrupted a vital logistics link between Turkey and Syria. The Turkish leadership is busy with the political outcomes of the earthquake and containing heavy criticism against its incompetence in handling the disaster.
Will Erdoğan and Al-Assad Shake Hands Soon?

Will Erdoğan and Al-Assad Shake Hands Soon?

by Enes Esen, published on 30 December 2022
President Erdoğan said on December 15th that he had proposed to Russia’s President Putin to hold a trilateral meeting between Turkey, Russia, and Syria. First, chiefs of intelligence would meet, followed by a meeting with ministers of defense, and later a meeting with ministers of foreign affairs. After these meetings laid the ground, he opined that the three presidents could have a trilateral meeting.
Bir Diplomatın Kazası Niye Haber Olur?

Bir Diplomatın Kazası Niye Haber Olur?

by Enes Esen, published on 23 December 2022
Geçtiğimiz hafta 15 Aralık günü İstanbul Şişli’de bir trafik kazası yaşandı. Haberlerde konsolosluk aracını ABD İstanbul Başkonsolosu Julie A. Eadeh'in eşi Mounir Elkhamri'nin kullandığı, yapılan ölçümde 240 promil alkollü çıkan Elkhamri’nin konsolosluk aracını bırakarak olay yerinden ayrıldığı, yaralı vatandaşın hastanede tedavisinin devam ettiği ve kazayla ilgili inceleme başlatıldığı belirtiliyordu. Basit bir trafik kazasına ilişkin basında birçok haber çıkması ve alakası bulunmadığı halde ısrarla kazaya ABD İstanbul Başkonsolosu Julie Eadeh’in dahil edilmesi üzerine ABD Ankara Büyükelçiliği bir açıklama yapma gereği duydu.
Would Turkmen Gas Make Turkey an Energy Hub?

Would Turkmen Gas Make Turkey an Energy Hub?

by Enes Esen, published on 19 December 2022
The interruption of the flow of Russian gas to Europe within the context of the invasion of Ukraine has affected the Central Asian Republics such as Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan which were heavily counting on the Russian infrastructure to transport their hydrocarbon resources. Central Asian states have now to be more assertive in diversifying their export routes to Europe and China, the two main power-hungry regions of the world. Turkey, in its turn, wants to take advantage of its geographical proximity to the natural resources-rich countries to become an energy hub.
Why is Turkey so insistent on an incursion into Syria?

Why is Turkey so insistent on an incursion into Syria?

by Enes Esen, published on 24 November 2022
Turkey has already carried out four large-scale military operations in Syria in the last six years. And yet it wants to launch another large-scale military campaign. There are some reasons why Turkey is concerned with northern Syria nowadays.

Reports - Turkey

instituDE Article Series on the July 15 Coup Attempt

instituDE Article Series on the July 15 Coup Attempt

by instituDE, published on the July 15th, 2021
It has been five years since the failed coup attempt in Turkey and no one has any clear idea yet what actually happened that night. While the complete narrative and evidence about the failed coup have yet to be clarified, the scope of the reaction by the Turkish government to the coup attempt was quite horrifying.

Videos - Turkey

AİHM'den Yunanistan Puschbacklerine İhlal Kararı | Yasak Başvurusu Büyük Dairede

January 8, 2025
by Haşim Tekineş and Hakan Kaplankaya, published on 8 January 2025
Bu yayınımızda insan hakları uzmanı Hakan Kaplankaya ve instituDE analisti Haşim Tekineş AİHM'in Yunanistan'ın Türkiye'ye geri ittiği sığınmacılar hakkında verdiği yeni ihlal kararını, Yasak başvurusunun Büyük Daire'ye sevkedilmesini ele aldılar.


December 24, 2023
by Yasir Gökçe, published on 24 December 2023
instituDE Director Dr. Yasir Gokce eloborated on the widespread and systematic nature of property rights violations in Turkey as a part of CrimesAgainstHumanity targeting Gülen Movement, with reference to the recent instituDE report thereon.