Opinions - Turkey

Will Turkey Drop Its Objections to Sweden’s Accession to NATO?

Will Turkey Drop Its Objections to Sweden’s Accession to NATO?

by Enes Esen, published on 3 June 2023
Sweden’s accession to NATO represents a milestone in shaping the security dynamics of the alliance. Using different pretexts, Erdoğan has consistently hindered Sweden's desired accession to NATO so far. With his triumph in the elections, the good news for NATO members is that they have a window of opportunity to negotiate with Erdoğan. 
Post-Election Turkey: More Repression at Home, More Diplomacy in the World

Post-Election Turkey: More Repression at Home, More Diplomacy in the World

by Haşim Tekineş, published on 1 June 2023
Turkey has left behind its election period with the second round of presidential runoff on May 28. Proving his invincibility to economic woes, natural disasters, and refuge crisis, Erdogan won another victory against the opposition coalition. But Erdogan is not the only winner of the elections. Turkish nationalism continues to gain momentum in the Turkish politics. However, it is important to note that nationalism may lead to greater repression within domestic politics. Paradoxically, President Erdogan appears to adopt a more diplomatic approach to foreign policy.
Evolution of Erdoğan's Victory Speeches From 2002 To 2023

Evolution of Erdoğan's Victory Speeches From 2002 To 2023

by Haşim Tekineş, published on 30 May 2023
Evolution of Erdoğan's Victory Speeches From 2002 to 2023
Bir Narko-Devlet Olarak Suriye

Bir Narko-Devlet Olarak Suriye

by Enes Esen, published on 29 May 2023
Her ne kadar Suriye’nin Arap dünyasında yeniden kabul görmesinde aslan payı ülkedeki iç savaşta Esad rejiminin galip gelmesine ait olsa da, Arap ülkelerini Suriye’yle ilişkilerini geliştirmeye iten diğer önemli faktör ülkenin her yıl milyarlarca dolar tutarında uyuşturucu ihraç eden bir narko-devlete dönüşmüş olması
Sinan Ogan: Exploring the New Generation Ultra-Nationalist's Outlook on Turkish Foreign Policy

Sinan Ogan: Exploring the New Generation Ultra-Nationalist's Outlook on Turkish Foreign Policy

by Haşim Tekineş, published on 25 May 2023
Sinan Ogan emerged as a notable surprise during the initial round of the Turkish Presidential elections on May 14. Despite his limited recognition among voters and a modest campaign budget, his vote share, which exceeded 5 percent, is a significant achievement. Notably, his endorsement of Erdogan's campaign in the second round opens up the possibility of him playing a role in the forthcoming cabinet.


by Bahadır Gülle, published on 15 May 2023
İlk turu önde bitiren Erdoğan’ın ikinci turda kaybetmesi imkansıza yakın. Tüm devlet kurumları, medyanın tamamına yakını ve halkın yarıya yakınının desteğini almış; mecliste çoğunluğu ele geçirmiş, kitlesi motive, morali yüksek bir Erdoğan muhtemelen oylarını daha da artırarak 2. turda rahat şekilde seçilecek.

Reports - Turkey

instituDE Article Series on the July 15 Coup Attempt

instituDE Article Series on the July 15 Coup Attempt

by instituDE, published on the July 15th, 2021
It has been five years since the failed coup attempt in Turkey and no one has any clear idea yet what actually happened that night. While the complete narrative and evidence about the failed coup have yet to be clarified, the scope of the reaction by the Turkish government to the coup attempt was quite horrifying.

Videos - Turkey

AİHM'den Yunanistan Puschbacklerine İhlal Kararı | Yasak Başvurusu Büyük Dairede

January 8, 2025
by Haşim Tekineş and Hakan Kaplankaya, published on 8 January 2025
Bu yayınımızda insan hakları uzmanı Hakan Kaplankaya ve instituDE analisti Haşim Tekineş AİHM'in Yunanistan'ın Türkiye'ye geri ittiği sığınmacılar hakkında verdiği yeni ihlal kararını, Yasak başvurusunun Büyük Daire'ye sevkedilmesini ele aldılar.


December 24, 2023
by Yasir Gökçe, published on 24 December 2023
instituDE Director Dr. Yasir Gokce eloborated on the widespread and systematic nature of property rights violations in Turkey as a part of CrimesAgainstHumanity targeting Gülen Movement, with reference to the recent instituDE report thereon.