Opinions - Turkey

Is the US blackmailing Turkey over Sweden?

Is the US blackmailing Turkey over Sweden?

by Enes Esen, published on 30 June 2023
The US and Swedish authorities are currently investigating graft allegations involving Bilal Erdoğan, the son of Turkey's President, according to a Reuters special report. These allegations have significant implications, as they could constitute a criminal offense under certain circumstances. However, as the report points out, there is a possibility that they may not even lead to formal charges. Interestingly, the Turkish side seems to have minimal interest in the substance of the allegations or its judicial implications.
The Era of Normalization: Turkey-Gulf Relations After al-Ula Summit

The Era of Normalization: Turkey-Gulf Relations After al-Ula Summit

by Haşim Tekineş, published 22 June 2023
Turkey and the Gulf countries have initiated a normalization process since the al-Ula Summit in late 2020. The leaders have mended fences through high-level visits, diplomatic overtures, promises of investments, and dozens of agreements. Turkey has already started to reap the benefits of normalization in terms of economic and diplomatic relations. It is difficult to forecast how long this period of authoritarian peace will last, but it is promising to witness the success of diplomacy in the region.
Latin American Left's Strong Endorsement of Erdogan

Latin American Left's Strong Endorsement of Erdogan

by İmdat Öner, published on 7 Juni 2023
President Erdogan's recent re-election victory in Turkey's runoff election against his main opposition candidate, Kemal Kilicdaroglu, has garnered widespread attention. What is particularly intriguing is the show of support for Turkey’s conservative politician Erdogan from leftist leaders in South America, including Nicolas Maduro of Venezuela, Lula da Silva of Brazil, and Evo Morales of Bolivia.
Will Turkey Drop Its Objections to Sweden’s Accession to NATO?

Will Turkey Drop Its Objections to Sweden’s Accession to NATO?

by Enes Esen, published on 3 June 2023
Sweden’s accession to NATO represents a milestone in shaping the security dynamics of the alliance. Using different pretexts, Erdoğan has consistently hindered Sweden's desired accession to NATO so far. With his triumph in the elections, the good news for NATO members is that they have a window of opportunity to negotiate with Erdoğan. 
Post-Election Turkey: More Repression at Home, More Diplomacy in the World

Post-Election Turkey: More Repression at Home, More Diplomacy in the World

by Haşim Tekineş, published on 1 June 2023
Turkey has left behind its election period with the second round of presidential runoff on May 28. Proving his invincibility to economic woes, natural disasters, and refuge crisis, Erdogan won another victory against the opposition coalition. But Erdogan is not the only winner of the elections. Turkish nationalism continues to gain momentum in the Turkish politics. However, it is important to note that nationalism may lead to greater repression within domestic politics. Paradoxically, President Erdogan appears to adopt a more diplomatic approach to foreign policy.
Evolution of Erdoğan's Victory Speeches From 2002 To 2023

Evolution of Erdoğan's Victory Speeches From 2002 To 2023

by Haşim Tekineş, published on 30 May 2023
Evolution of Erdoğan's Victory Speeches From 2002 to 2023

Reports - Turkey



by instituDE, published on the August 13, 2021
This report aims to elicit and analyze the outrageous acts and/or omissions of the Turkish authorities against individuals –whom they claim are affiliated with, connected to, or members of the Gülen Group– within the legal purview of crime against humanity.


by instituDE, published on the July 15th, 2021
It has been five years since the failed coup attempt in Turkey and no one has any clear idea yet what actually happened that night. While the complete narrative and evidence about the failed coup have yet to be clarified, the scope of the reaction by the Turkish government to the coup attempt was quite horrifying.


by instituDE, published on the May 15th, 2021
In the past year, through our various publications, analyses and podcasts, instituDE has strived to shed light on Turkey; its domestic politics, economy, foreign policy and human rights situation. We have worked to provide valuable information and comments on Turkey for the foreign observers as well as the Turkish public. We put effort into raising awareness on the human rights violations and authoritarian practices in Turkey.

Videos - Turkey

Avrupa'ya İltica Etmek Zorlaşıyor Mu?

April 22, 2024
by Haşim Tekineş and Mehmet Bozkaya, published on 22 April 2024
Haşim Tekineş ve Mehmet Bozkaya Avrupa Birliği'nin yeni iltica ve göç paktını ele aldılar. Yeni mevzuat hangi değişiklikleri beraberinde getirecek? Mevzuat ne zaman yürürlüğe girecek? Mevzuata ilişkin eleştiriler neler? Türkiye'den gelen başvurucular için yeni mevzuatın etkileri neler olacak? Bu soruların yanıtları ve daha fazlası yayınımızda.

Ortadoğu Isınırken 3. Dünya Savaşına Ne Kadar Yakınız?

April 20, 2024
Ramazan F. Güzel'in hazırladığı Tv FOCUS GÜNDEM KONUĞU: Dış Politika Uzmanı/ Institute for Diplomacy Economy'den Dış Politika Uzmanı Haşim Tekineş @hasimtekines : İran İsrail geriliminin perde arkasında yaşananlar, - Yaşananlar bir tiyatro muydu, yoksa başka dinamikler mi var? - Gerilimin İran, İsrail, Netanyahu, Molla Rejimi için kazanımları ve Filistin'in konumu. - Gerilim bölgeye sıçrayıp bir 3. Dünya Savaşına yol açar mı, bunu isteyenler var mı? - Böyle bir savaştan Türkiye nasıl etkilenir ve neler yapmalı...?

Türkiye'deki 31 Mart Yerel Seçimleri ve Fakirleşmenin Ahı

April 1, 2024
by Ömer Güler, published on 1 April 2024
Ömer Güler 31 Mart yerel seçim sonuçlarını, CHP'nin başarısını ve AKP'nin kan kaybını çeşitli boyutlarıyla değerlendirdi.

Moskova ile Ankara’nın Ortak Zaafı

March 25, 2024
by Haşim Tekineş, published on 25 March 2024
instituDE Dış Politika Analisti Haşim Tekineş katıldığı programda Moskova'da IŞiD tarafından 22 Mart'ta düzenlenen terör saldırısını Türkiye'yi ilgilendiren boyutlarıyla anlattı.

Moskova Saldırısı ve IŞID'in Horasan Kolu

March 25, 2024
Moskova saldırısının arkasındaki Isis-K, yani Işid Horasan grubu kim? Saldırının arkasındaki motivasyon ne? Neden Moskova? Saldırganların Türkiye bağlantısı ne anlama geliyor? instituDE politika analisti Haşim Tekineş tüm bu soruların cevaplarını ele aldı.

Erdoğan Kahire'ye, F16'lar Türkiye'ye, F35'ler Yunanistan'a

February 18, 2024
by Ömer Güler and Haşim Tekineş, published on 18 February 2024
Ömer Güler ve Haşim Tekineş Erdoğan'ın Mısır ziyaretini, Bilal Erdoğan'ın ziyarette protokolde yer almasını, F-16 alımına dair ABD Senatosu'nun onayını, Yunanistan'ın F-35 alımını ve Ege'de hava gücü üstünlüğünde Yunaninstan'ın avantajlı hale gelmesini ele aldılar.