Opinions - Middle East and North Africa

Ecevit’s Last Words: Turkey’s Strategic Autonomy

Ecevit’s Last Words: Turkey’s Strategic Autonomy

by Haşim Tekineş, published on 25 March 2024
Ecevit’s memories is useful to understand contemporary CHP’s support for Erdogan’s military operations in Syria and Iraq or anti-American stance. It shows that strategic autonomy in foreign policy, military expansionism, and transactionalism in Turkish-American relations have an appeal across ideologies in Turkey’s political landscape.
Turkey is about to get the consent of the Iraqi Government for a military operation

Turkey is about to get the consent of the Iraqi Government for a military operation

by Enes Esen, published on 17 March 2024
Turkey is preparing to launch another incursion into northern Iraq, aiming to establish a 30-40 km deep buffer zone to counter the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK). To rally support for its operation, Turkish officials have engaged in shuttle diplomacy with local stakeholders in Iraq. However, it is essential to recognize that while the use of force may provide short-term security solutions, addressing the socio-economic root causes of the conflict is crucial for sustainable peace. Without addressing these underlying issues, complications are likely to arise in the future.
Turkish-Egyptian Relations: Assessing the Impact of Erdoğan's Cairo Trip

Turkish-Egyptian Relations: Assessing the Impact of Erdoğan's Cairo Trip

By Enes Esen, published on 17 February 2024
President Erdoğan's visit to Cairo on February 14 was marked by high honors, including a warm welcome by President Sisi at the airport and a salute with cannon fire upon his motorcade's arrival at Cairo's Ittihadiya palace. The visit garnered widespread attention, with all major newspapers in Egypt featuring Erdoğan's arrival as their headline news.
Comparison of Mass Incarcerators

Comparison of Mass Incarcerators

by instituDE, published on 7 February 2024
This table sheds light on the most oppressed groups in these countries, highlighting the complex landscape of arbitrary detentions and incarcerations worldwide.
The Withdrawal of the US troops from Syria Will Create a Power Vacuum

The Withdrawal of the US troops from Syria Will Create a Power Vacuum

by Enes Esen, published on 26 January 2024
Recent reports suggest that the United States is considering the withdrawal of its troops from Syria, where currently 900 soldiers are stationed. Some officials within the Biden administration are worried that this could jeopardize the fight against ISIS.
Sudan'da Derinleşen İç Savaş ve Kötüleşen İnsani Dram

Sudan'da Derinleşen İç Savaş ve Kötüleşen İnsani Dram

by Fatih Cangür, published on 22 January 2024
2023 yılının Nisan ayında başkent Hartum'da General Abdülfettah el-Burhan liderliğindeki Sudan Silahlı Kuvvetleri (SAF) ile 'Hemedti' olarak bilinen Muhammed Hamdan Dagalo liderliğindeki paramiliter Hızlı Destek Kuvvetleri (RSF) arasındaki güç mücadelesi ülke çapında bir çatışmaya evrilmiş durumda. Sudan'da çatışmaların başladığı Nisan ayından bu yana en az 13.000 insan hayatını kaybetti.

Reports - Middle East and North Africa

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Videos - Middle East and North Africa

BOP: Nedir Bu Büyük Orta Doğu Projesi

June 26, 2024
by Haşim Tekineş, published on 26 June 2024
instituDE Dış Politika Analisti Haşim Tekineş Büyük Orta Doğu Projesi'nin ne anlama geldiğini ve içeriğini ele aldı.

Future of Terrorism in the Era of Hegemonic Rivalry

May 1, 2024
Hasim Tekines discussed the current state of radical terrorism, particularly ISIS and al-Qaeda with Research Associate Professor Dr. Mahmut Cengiz.

Ortadoğu Isınırken 3. Dünya Savaşına Ne Kadar Yakınız?

April 20, 2024
Ramazan F. Güzel'in hazırladığı Tv FOCUS GÜNDEM KONUĞU: Dış Politika Uzmanı/ Institute for Diplomacy Economy'den Dış Politika Uzmanı Haşim Tekineş @hasimtekines : İran İsrail geriliminin perde arkasında yaşananlar, - Yaşananlar bir tiyatro muydu, yoksa başka dinamikler mi var? - Gerilimin İran, İsrail, Netanyahu, Molla Rejimi için kazanımları ve Filistin'in konumu. - Gerilim bölgeye sıçrayıp bir 3. Dünya Savaşına yol açar mı, bunu isteyenler var mı? - Böyle bir savaştan Türkiye nasıl etkilenir ve neler yapmalı...?

Moskova ile Ankara’nın Ortak Zaafı

March 25, 2024
by Haşim Tekineş, published on 25 March 2024
instituDE Dış Politika Analisti Haşim Tekineş katıldığı programda Moskova'da IŞiD tarafından 22 Mart'ta düzenlenen terör saldırısını Türkiye'yi ilgilendiren boyutlarıyla anlattı.

Moskova Saldırısı ve IŞID'in Horasan Kolu

March 25, 2024
Moskova saldırısının arkasındaki Isis-K, yani Işid Horasan grubu kim? Saldırının arkasındaki motivasyon ne? Neden Moskova? Saldırganların Türkiye bağlantısı ne anlama geliyor? instituDE politika analisti Haşim Tekineş tüm bu soruların cevaplarını ele aldı.

Rough Peace in Libya - Interview with Dr. Jalel Harchaoui

March 6, 2024
by Hasim Tekines, published on 6 March 2024
Hasim Tekines discussed the situation in Libya, its local and regional dynamics, and Turkey's role with Dr. Jalel Harchaoui. Join us in our interview with Dr. Harchaoui, an Associate Fellow at the Royal United Services Institute renowned for his insights on North Africa, including Libya. His expertise has been featured in top-tier publications such as Foreign Policy, Foreign Affairs, Lawfare, Small Arms Survey, and War on the Rocks. Don't miss this insightful discussion that offers invaluable perspectives on one of the most pressing geopolitical issues of our time.