Opinions - Middle East and North Africa

Turkey's Plans for a New Offensive in Syria

Turkey's Plans for a New Offensive in Syria

By Enes Esen, published on 29 May 2022
The military operations carried out by the Turkish armed forces in Syria and Iraq play an important role in securing not only the country’s borders but also shaping Turkey’s domestic politics. On the one hand, Turkish generals want to extend the buffer zone between Turkey and YPG, an entity with a close relationship with the PKK, whenever an opportunity arises.
Will Turkey and Saudi Arabia turn the page?

Will Turkey and Saudi Arabia turn the page?

by Enes Esen, published on 1 May 2022
Turkish-Saudi relations soured following the overthrow of the Muslim Brotherhood supported by Turkey in 2013 in Egypt, while Saudi Arabia has been one of the main sponsors of General Sisi. The bilateral relations went from bad to worse with Ankara’s unwavering support to Doha during the conflict between Qatar and its neighbors led by Saudi Arabia in 2017. The murder of columnist Jamal Khashoggi at the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul in 2018 and the subsequent developments were the last straw that totally broke the political relations.
Türkiye-Mısır Müzakereleri Ne Aşamada?

Türkiye-Mısır Müzakereleri Ne Aşamada?

by Enes Esen, published on 15 April 2022
Mısır’da ordunun yönetime el koyması üzerine 2013 yılında kopan Türkiye-Mısır ilişkilerinin normalleştirilmesini teminen iki ülke arasında Dışişleri Bakanlıkları nezdinde yürütülen istişarelerin ilk turu 2021 Mayıs ayında Kahire’de, ikincisi ise Eylül ayında Ankara´da gerçekleşmişti.
Unfreezing the Relations: Turkey and Israel

Unfreezing the Relations: Turkey and Israel

by Enes Esen, published on 11 March 2022
With Israel and Turkey starting a new détente, the visit of Israeli President Herzog to Turkey on March 9 can mark a significant change in Turkish-Israeli relations. The political leadership of Israel and Turkey did not see eye to eye with each other since 2010, and it is hard to disregard the mistrust issue that has affected the bilateral relations.
Why are Turkey and the UAE mending the fences between them?

Why are Turkey and the UAE mending the fences between them?

by Enes Esen, published on 16 February 2022
Turkish President Erdoğan travelled to the United Arab Emirates on February 14, hoping to develop the momentum Turkey has captured with the UAE. Erdoğan has been given a warm and friendly welcome after touching down in Abu Dhabi.
Tunus’ta Düşen Son Kale ve Türkiye’nin Sessizliği

Tunus’ta Düşen Son Kale ve Türkiye’nin Sessizliği

by Enes Esen, published on 10 February 2022
2011 yılında Tunus Cumhurbaşkanı Bin Ali’yi gösteriler sonrası devrildiğinde bölgede bir umut dalgası oluşmuş ve esen rüzgar kısa sürede Mısır, Suriye, Libya ve Yemen başta olmak üzere bütün Arap ülkelerini etkilemişti. Arap Baharının yaşandığı diğer ülkelerde olduğu gibi, Tunus’ta da rüzgar son zamanlarda tersten esiyor.

Reports - Middle East and North Africa

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Videos - Middle East and North Africa

Hakan Fidan'ın Irak Ziyareti

August 26, 2023
by Haşim Tekineş, published on 26 August 2023
Dışı İçi Bir'de bu hafta Haşim Tekineş, Hakan Fidan'ın Irak'a gerçekleştirdiği kapsamlı ziyareti çeşitli yönleriyle ele aldı